Sunday, February 20, 2011

Snow today, mud tomorrow!

I woke up to a few inches of snow on the farm today, and it just kept coming. Until about 1 PM or so. In the end, we got about 5-6 inches, significantly more than the 1-3 inches predicted in the news.

And it is warm today...near 36 during the snow and now upwards of 40+ in brilliant sunshine. Immediately, I think "40 in February!? It must be something out of the ordinary" and then I look at this:

and it looks like 40's in February not uncommon. If this keeps up, the snow should be gone by tomorrow. Then, mud!

Smokey escaped the yard today and went on walkabout. I only worry about this because he has a thing for chickens and I am afraid he'll go after our neighbor's ducks. Also, I worry they might shoot him if he does. So I went after him. There is nothing as maddening as a dog that looks at you, right AT you, and then runs away. Grrrr.

Captain eventually got out as well, but he came to find me instead of running after Smokey. I was very proud of him for that. I am also proud of myself for remembering that it does no good to get mad at your dog after you catch him, since that will just make him less likely to come to you next time. So, when he finally did come to me, I praised him and took him home.

And then went out and repaired the fence.

After that adventure, I got a shot of the new addition (see above).

Temperature distribution
Temperature distribution

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