Thursday, November 13, 2008


I both won and lost at court today. I lost because the judge ruled I was in breach of contract. I won because he "felt my pain" and effectively deducted late fees and court costs from the plaintiff's case. The moral: submit all grievances in writing!

A scary detail: Nearly all of the other cases were "Money Lending Co." vs. "Person". The unseen costs of payday lending.

The only disappointment was when the bailiff came over and told the cub scouts it would be "less boring" in traffic court. Cub scouts have all the fun! I read over one scout's shoulder the following notes:

"Judge got mad 'cos someone didn't show up"

You will have more fun in traffic court!


DELETE said...

Whheee traffic court!!

WTF! was this about the horse boarding??

jcaastro said...

Yes. Case closed.