Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Armstrong's law

Last night I saw a news cast about McCain's "Robocalls" and the fact that Obama pals around with terrorists.  Given the horror of 9/11, and what the word "terrorist" conjures up in the post 9/11 world, you think people would have a little more perspective.

Have you ever heard of Godwin's Law?  You know, when you are arguing with someone, and they say something like "that's how it started with the Nazi's"...they instantly lose the argument.  That's Godwin's law.

Armstrong's law is the same, but with terrorists.  As soon as you say "Barack Obama pals around with terrorists" (he is a U.S. Senator for the love of Christ!) .... you lose.  Let's hope Armstrong's law plays out during the presidential election.

To make sure, this year I am up off my ass, making personal calls to people in Colorado on Obama's behalf. I have never, ever considered doing this before. I really care this time, because it really matters this time.  I may live in Utah where my vote doesn't matter, but this is still my country and my home!

SG reminded me what makes Obama so appealing, summed up by this quote from Taylor Mali:

"So don’t waste my time and your curses on verses
about what you are against, despise, and abhor.
Tell me what inspires you, what fulfills and fires you,
put your precious pen to paper and tell me what you’re for!"

Obama is telling me what we can do to make this my country again, the one I learned about in grade school.  The one that has always made me proud to be an American.  He can help us get there.

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