Saturday, October 11, 2008

SuperDell for Governer

The Utah Voter Guide came out this week.  I love looking through this, because it puts to rest the old lie that America is trapped in a two-party system.  There are plenty of parties out there.  Don't like McCain?  Don't trust Obama?  You've got choices.  And, did you know the Green Party actually trumps republicans and Sarah Palin, with a woman running for president and vice president?

Of course, my favorite is Dell "SuperDell" Schanze, running for Governor of Utah.  Why is he my choice for Governor?  Just listen to his own words:

"There is no question that Dell Schanze is different.  There are only three people on the ballot and SUPERDELL is the only one that is NOT a socialist.  If you are unsure then fill your heart with love, completely open your mind and pray to God earnestly.  You can't afford to get this wrong and will be held accountable for your choice."

What a campaign slogan: Vote for SuperDell or go to Hell!  You can't go wrong with that.

1 comment:

DELETE said...

OMG that looks like a joke!! You are going to vote for him right? RIGHT!!!??