Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ira Glass is amazing

I don't know how he does it.  It is pledge drive week on NPR, and I can generally resist their pleas for contributions.  I always contribute, but I have to wait until Ira Glass (of This American Life) asks me.  In just the right way.

This year, he calls up an NPR junky who has never contributed, and totally puts him on the spot.  The NPR listener is saying "Oh my god, I am being called by Ira Glass!" and Ira says "Yeah, chump, put up the cash!".

So I do (even though Ira doesn't call me!).  But, consider, $250/12 ~ $21 per month.  And I give Comcast (the demon company) $60+.  Score one for NPR.

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