Sunday, October 5, 2008

Who needs salami?

We've been working pretty hard to cut our meat consumption for a lot of good reasons.  First, it is better for our health.  Second, it is better for the environment.  Third, most large scale meat companies are simply evil in their treatment of animals.  And this is coming from a guy who has every intention of stewing up Larry and the Daryls if they stop making those delectable eggs.  But I guarantee when their time comes, they'll go quick, with dignity and very little pain.

But I have this thing about salami.  In fact, I love just about any salted, cured meat.  I had gotten down to just eating a few slices on my sandwiches, and figured I had traveled about as far as I was willing to go on this meatless adventure.

And then I discovered the fresh cucumber sandwich.  Oh my god, what a delicious creation.  Even a simple one, of just cucumbers and cheese, on some good crusty bread.  Mmmmmm.  I went the store yesterday, and passed the salami right by.  As long as I have fresh cucumbers from the garden, I may be done with the salted meats.

Of course, I should try one with just the cheese and mayo.  Maybe that's the real secret.

1 comment:

DELETE said...

no no you got it!! now go get yourself some herbamare, avacdo and lime squeezns to stick in there and you gots yourself a sam-in-which . I have to do all that with out the bread-- but I manage's called a salad.

Hee Hee Tent City Hee hee